Monument Fire Rebuild

Willow Creek, California

Willow Creek Electric Line Fire Hardening

This project is one of many Charge companies have completed to rebuild wildfire-impacted areas by restoring power and reducing future wildlife risks. Crews worked around the clock in two shifts, six days a week, to install 10 miles of new underground and overhead power lines, traversing more than 100 culverts and one river. Challenges were faced early on related to changes in designs, environmental, and permitting, requiring numerous updates to the work plans. On top of that, there were delays due to encountering extremely rocky soil, but the project and construction teams overcame these challenges and delivered the project on schedule. This meant the nearby community of De Loma would have power restored before the holiday season, after two years of relying on generators.  

Business Line: Electric Line
Performed By: Veteran Power Infrastructure
Delivery Method: Construction
Size: 10 miles

Project Highlights

  • 63,000 LF of 6″ conduit   
  • 30 #7 vault enclosures 
  • 2 miles of tap lines with 4” conduits and multiple #5 vault enclosures 


Project Services

  • Electric infrastructure/civil 
  • Electric line/cable pulling   
  • Open trench 
  • Horizontal directional drilling  
  • Digital as-built documentation (GPS)